The Laws Affecting Small Business (LASB) series was originally written by a group of expert authors between 1997 and 1999. Gary Moore updated the LASB series in the context of 2022 South Africa.
Each LASB entry attempts to identify those laws and regulations in a particular social field that hinder economic growth, in particular by small and medium enterprises. After identifying and describing the problem, each LASB includes a host of particular recommendations for how those legislative or regulatory obstacles could be eliminated or made less severe.
Below can be found the LASBs (click on the cover to read the text), their authors, when they were updated, and when and by who the 2022 edition was launched.
Martin van Staden

Laws Affecting Small Business: Finance
Original author (1997): Gary Moore
Updated (2022): Gary Moore
Edited (2022): Martin van Staden
Launched (TBD):

Laws Affecting Small Business: Health
Original authors (1998): Gary Moore and Leon Louw
Updated (2022): Gary Moore
Edited (2022): Martin van Staden
Launched (2 November 2022): Gary Moore

Laws Affecting Small Business: Justice
Original author (1997): Leon Louw
Updated (2022): Gary Moore
Edited (2022): Martin van Staden
Launched (15 November 2022): Adv Langa Bodlani

Laws Affecting Small Business: Labour
Original authors (1997): Michael Bagraim and Eustace Davie
Updated (2022): Gary Moore
Edited (2022): Martin van Staden
Launched (25 October 2022): Michael Bagraim

Laws Affecting Small Business: Land
Original authors (1997): Jim Harris and Leon Louw
Updated (2022): Gary Moore
Edited (2022): Martin van Staden
Launched (11 October 2022): Terence Corrigan

Laws Affecting Small Business: Licensing
Original authors (1997): Gary Moore and Eustace Davie
Updated (2022): Gary Moore
Edited (2022): Martin van Staden
Launched (18 October 2022): Neil Emerick

Laws Affecting Small Business: Schooling
Original authors (1998): Eustace Davie
Updated (2022): Gary Moore
Edited (2022): Martin van Staden
Launched (TBD):

Laws Affecting Small Business: Tax
Original authors (1999): Ian Hetherington and Eustace Davie
Updated (2022): Gary Moore
Edited (2022): Martin van Staden
Launched (4 October 2022): Dawie Roodt